Saturday, July 26, 2014

These Are a Few of My Favourite Things

My favourites lately in photos :) Previous posts can be found at the side bar under tag "these are a few of my favourite things".

1. The beautiful sunrise from our window in Singapore

2. Finding clothes that are hidden in your closet as new pieces! This one I bought from sales in Finland, some designer last piece but I don't know the brand...

3. Drinks in a bar full of "how to" books. What's better than saving the world while tipsy? ;)

4. Let's not forget late night snacks!

5. Our new home has a great pool :)

6. This man

P.S There's still time to participate in the GIVEAWAY here :)

X Ang Moh Chick

1 comment:

  1. Awww .. like your favourite thing no. 6. Keep up the romance!


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