About Ang Moh Chick

Ang Moh Chick Diary is a lifestyle blog with a focus on overall wellness including fashion, beauty and recipes, captured by high quality photos. In other words, Ang Moh Chick Diary is for anyone who wishes to read about the small beautiful things in life and get inspiration and happiness in their lives. Ang Moh Chick herself is a Scandinavian expat  - an ‘ang moh’ (meaning a westener in the Singaporean context) - who took a huge leap of faith and moved to Singapore following her Singaporean husband. Thus, the blog is about the discovery of a new and very different country, cultural clashes, travelling and finding those small but important flavors of life – whether it’s a new cafĂ©, hobby, recipe, experience, or just something very pretty.

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X Ang Moh Chick

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